
From video to photo

At the begining, my goal was to start an informatics Youtube channel. For that, I purchased a small digital camera. Its image wasn’t good, but got the job done. After a while, the “kamehamescope” as I liked to call it, died.

Following a friend’s advice, I replaced it with a small bridge camera, to continue making videos, but also to try photography.

A decisive year

It’s during a year of study in England that I started to have my hands on different aspects of photography. I joined a photography society, where I learned the basics. The campus was full of animals, my favourites were the squirrels.

Their expressiveness made me fall in love with them, and they made me tend to become a wildlife photographer. A fox also appeared during that year, passing regularly by my window. Unfortunately, I’ve never been able to capture a good portrait.

A true therapy

After my studies, I decided to go on the next level. Photo trips weren’t just good times: I drew real satisfaction from going back with a nice picture.

Early 2020, the purchase of my first hybrid camera and lenses coincided with the first quarantine. These photographic moments allowed me to deal with solitude more easily. Following birds, insects and reptiles wouldn’t come to my mind without my camera.

During this period of time, my interest for animals grew a lot. I learned the names of many species, discovered their behaviors etc. My vision of the world changed.

At the end of the first quarantine, I extended my photographic horizons. I got out of just animal photography, to include landscape and urban.

My camera now follows me almost everywhere.

World’s beauties

My journey is far from over. The more I learn, the more things there are to discover.

World is full of beauties, under an huge ammount of forms. A magpie’s feathers’ iridescence, amber color from a sunset, a foraging bee’s dance… All these things are very common, yet have this part of magic when one stops for a little while.

These are the beauties I want to immortalise and show through my photography.